1. Everyone's complaining about the heat in California. even people only 30 miles away from the coast. Our friends in Sacramento and Fresno have lived in over 100 degree heat for almost a month now. I'll trade you. I've only taken off my sweatshirt for a few short periods in the last week or so, and right now I have my little heater on full blast.
2. Real estate is one of the keys to financial independence, huh?
(we found out yesterday that our credit scores, which were pretty bad, are looking way much better -- yahoo -- credit abounds!!)
5. Got another Big job... in Seattle. got fired from 2 (which was good, but sad). that leaves 9 current jobs -- 2 state agencies (CDF & CIWMB) one working for a waste tire hauler in Portland, a landscaper, the biggest insurance agency in Sac, a non-profit agency in Marin that helps the handicapped and sickly with in-home support services, E*TRADE, Roach Bros. Logging, the CA Speech-Language-Hearing Association, and California Closets, who has 100 franchises around the world, some doing up to $3M/mo. in custom closets. whoa.
6. They opened the bridge to traffic yesterday after 3 years of construction, both lanes, both sides! They re-did the bridge pavement, actually Ground off the bumps, then repaved the streets on both sides...and they did a Beautiful job. As you drive across it, it changes color, so it looks like there's gonna be a bumps... and there used to be a bumps... but there ain't no bumps no mo. it's perfectly flat. very cool. and... they re-paved the last 4 miles of highway 20 and again, it's beautiful (best paving job I've ever seen). After a hard night of driving and napping and driving some more, those last 4 miles into town are now a real joy to ride. In my car, I don't even have to touch the gas but once in the entire 4 mile stretch... I just love that feeling... closest I get to Flying!
7. they also opened the miniature golf course yesterday, but I cannot possibly see how they are going to have enough business to make it profitable. is mini-golf big among aging tourists? Perhaps a senior skate-board park will be next.
8. I've been playing R-ball like a maniac lately. I have officially gone from a C player to a B player (in my mind, anyway). Feels great. going again in an hour and a half. played yesterday with Bruce v. Rusty and Dick (2-2) and with Dick v. Rusty and Flurry (2-1). didn't play as great yesterday (or we woulda won more), but the 2-3 weeks proceeding that, I was hot. beat Kurt twice (doubles, but still). beat Danny in triples, never done that before. really proud of my play and having a really fun time doing it.
it's early Sunday morning. it's nice sometimes, to let my mind go for awhile and see what comes out. well, here it is.
10. We're going to Washington, D.C.! My brother Scott made Lance Armstrong's cross-country cancer-awareness team. See www.TourOfHope.org and http://www.geoffgourley.com/ScottPerelstein/ They're riding from San Diego to Atlanta, then up to D.C. in 9 days. We're gonna go to the finish line at the capitol, with my brother and Lance, and the media, and my parents, and my bro's wife and 2 boys (our one-year old nephew, Finn we haven't even met yet), her parents and brother's family, and make a real Party out of it! So glad to take Rachel and Paula for their first trip to D.C. (I used to live near there in northern VA), and I'm gonna try to arrange to see some of my old high school buds while we're there!
10. I don't talk that much about the 'other side' of my life. I guess I will someday. Thing is, I am changing lives, left and right. We can take someone who's been in therapy for years and even hospitalized, and help them become a healthy, functioning, Happy person. We've done it many times. It doesn't take that long, it's incredibly inexpensive, the lessons are profound, and simple, and totally free, it makes for great relationships, loving families and happy campers, and it works like nothing else I've ever seen or experienced. Guess I should tell somebody about it, ey?
11. I will. My mission is to tell the world about the lessons I have learned. this is why I was put here on this earth. tho I've been overweight my entire life, tho I have another more-than-full-time job(s), tho I still run the Euc biz (5 orders last week, our record! 1 was for pictures in NY, NY that will be used by Target for their private labelling of bath products!), tho I still manage to spend good, quality, laughing time with Rachel (she is doing Wonderfully, breaking up in laughter everyday, just got her belly-button pierced - yikes - but her energy is sooo nice now) (oh, and know how she got there? We taught her what we teach in class. ha, it works)) and tho Paula and I are not as close as we teach (we're still workin' on it, tho), we have been able to come up with processes that will change people's lives, for good. it's fun, and scary, and energizing, to be so clear about my Purpose... but it sure gets me out of bed in the morning (last night, 6 hours sleep -- my previous high was 5 in the last 2 weeks).
12. yes, I'm babbling. Take it as a HUGE compliment ('cause it is) that I am feeling safe enough with you to share all this.
13. better get back to work. my new Seattle job is expecting a submittal tomorrow morning. so now it's time to produce. If I work solid for an hour, and make some real progress, I can go to R-ball at 9, guilt-free. Flurry said he and Steve would be there.
14. oh, and we broke ground on our Garage footings!! the backhoe dude came (Monte) and dug the trenches around the perimeter (only $400). we're cleaning them out by hand -- getting the roots that stick out and cleaning out the holes to get ready for building forms. (he dug the trenches too wide, and too deep (24x24), so we should have the strongest, 2-story garage on the coast!)
nice chattin' with you.
- Matt
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