Q: Matt and Paula,
Wow, this sounds like a great weekend! What would it take, in terms of students and space to have you give a weekend workshop in Maryland?
A in MD
A: Not that much, really, A in MD. Not that much, at all…
We were just discussing this the other day… how LITTLE we need to make these huge emotional life changes in people!
Space and such: We need a room that sits about 30, but not too big or the energy gets lost. ~1,000-1,200 sq. ft. empty room (ours is 33x33).
- We get kinda loud sometimes, so we’ve had the best luck in office buildings, where all the neighbors are gone on the weekends.
- We need chairs for these folks… but not too comfortable, ‘cause it’s not a sit-around-and-watch, kinda class. Big emotions and big feelings are best done standing up, in small groups, or laying in someone’s arms (imho).
- A few tables would be nice to stow personal stuff and to provide water and coffee.
- Some big pillows would be helpful. Removable coach pillows work fine.
- A whiteboard is good. We’ll bring the binders and the books and the pencils.
- We’ll bring the music (for breaks and celebrations), if you could provide a stereo with a CD player, even a nice boom-box would do.
- We pin on a personalized wooden heart during their Breakthrough celebration in class (woohoo!), so we create those the day of. And we give out printed diplomas, and a rose, at graduation.
- And we do a roster of all the class participants so they can stay connected with each other after class. This can be done on a laptop, so we'll need to be able to print and collate copies to be given at graduation.
That’s about all it takes… and even some of that is optional! In reality, all we really need for a quality, life-changing experience is a group of semi-willing people to hang out with semi-comfortably for a few days, in a room where we can make some noise (without alerting law enforcement).
Students: It takes 10 students minimum to make a good class, 25 max (although we had 29 in our last class, biggest ever, and it turned out Great – the energy was/is awesome and that class is tighter than most, afterwards!).
One challenge is that we do such amazing work in large part due to the energy, and role modeling, of our Assistants… graduates who come back to help others experience what they did, and to continue their own emotional healing work (some have been coming 15-20 years now). these guys have been to the very depths of their most intense feelings, and are willing and able to go there, quickly and easily, as needed, with and for students. (wait ‘til you meet these guys/gals). My point is, in order to have a super good class, I’d ask that we get 2-4 of our “pros” to come with, to help us make a quality experience. They don’t need to get paid, per se, but if could ‘cost’ them as little as possible, that would be optimal.
- Paula and I will be there for $4k for the weekend.
- We’d need airfare and hotel and eats.
- And as I said, I’d like the same for some Assistants.
- Total: I’m estimating that’d be about $6k, give or take...
- Therefore, at $399 each, we’d need 15 students to make it work.
Does that sound doable?
Who is your target audience?
Who are you? (just playin’, but really, tell me some about yourself and your ideas…)
Hope we can make this happen. We’re on a mission to spread the good word about how cool Emotional Intelligence can be… and I’ve never seen anyone teach it, and live it, the way we do. (plus, if you’re having a class in Maryland, perhaps I could invite some of my old high school friends from Virginia!)
- Matt
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