What I'm working on, emotionally, right now:
what are your top 3 things?
1. Focus, Fear, and Finishing
- stay Focussed on only 1 or 2 goals at a time.
- bust thru my Fears, and limiting belief systems
- If I start it, FINISH it (unless there's a damned good reason not to).
2. Embarrassment
- I just went thru an Angry spell. It wasn't that much fun, and I wasn't that much fun to be around.
- I've been able to work thru most of it and it's dissipating...
- but now I'm embarrassed.
- I'm embarrassed about where I'm at, professionally.
- I'm embarrassed about being inflexible and outta-shape (well, I can play racquetball like a mad-man for 3 hours at a time, but I can't touch my toes, or do 50 sit-ups)
- I'm embarrassed about how I've treated Paula, and some others. whether i feel righteous or not, it's time to grow-up in some areas.
- I'm trying to USE my embarrassment as a motivational tool… to make me better (Doc says there are three feelings that are the main motivators for change: Anger, Embarrassment and Fear)
3. Not being so externally other-directed.
- I'm a true co-dependant, right to the core, and it's not really working for me.
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