In schools, they teach us the 3 R’s: Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic.
But that’s only teach HALF of what we need!
Our feelings, heart and soul (EQ) is at least as important as our brains, knowledge and logic (IQ).
Everything we do, and everything we are, is based on our Feelings and Emotions. We can’t NOT deal with ourselves. We are here, and WE ARE GOING TO FEEL… like it or not.
Our feelings are totally natural, god-given, body-driven factors that we DO have to deal with.
But, Emotions have a bad rap, too. If we don’t know ourselves, and how we work inside, our feelings can seem like out-of-control beasts, to be avoided at all costs. But,
- What if we could Harness our Anger, and direct it where it needs to go, and away from those who don’t deserve it?
- What if we could Embrace our Fear, and learn from it, get the message our body is trying to tell us, and then make bold, courageous, strong decisions whether to fight thru the fear, or turn tail and run?
- What if we could even use our Depression, not as a horrible dark abyss, but as a Tool to rest, to let down, to not-give-a-damn for awhile, while our body can relax and rejuvenate?
Feelings and Emotions are a Good thing, not a Bad thing.
In fact, they are one of THE most important things!
Understanding and Dealing with our Feelings and Emotions is the key to Happiness, and Success in Life!
Let’s Be Smart with our Heart, and use our IQ to enhance our EQ.
Wanna laugh more?
Wanna love more?
Wanna feel lighter and more free?
Wanna feel in control of yourself and your life?
IQ + EQ = LOL !!
Wanna learn more?
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