Here’s a quick, 7-question quiz, to determine your basic level of EQ.
How well do you deal with your Feelings and Emotions?
Rate yourself between 1 and 5 in each of the following seven areas.
1: not at all 3: so-so 5: totally and completely
1. Awareness
When your body feels something (fear, anger, sadness, shame, guilt, etc), how much do you notice and affirm your feelings?
1 2 3 4 5
2. Identification
When you notice that you’re feeling something, how well can you Identify or Name the feeling you are having? How well can you separate them (for example, fear and anger)?
1 2 3 4 5
3. Acceptance
How "Ok" with you is it when you feel mad, or sad, or afraid?
1 2 3 4 5
4. Expression
How well do you express your feelings and let them out, as opposed to stuffing or bottling them up inside?
1 2 3 4 5
5. Release
Once your body feels a negative, yucky feeling, how well can you Let Go of that feeling and let it dissipate?
1 2 3 4 5
6. Replace
How skilled are you at replacing "negative" feelings (anger, sadness, grief) with more "positive" ones (love, joy, peace)?
1 2 3 4 5
7. Rejoice!
How well do you encourage and respect your feelings, complementing yourself for your awareness and expression?
1 2 3 4 5
Scoring: Add up your 7 answers to this emotional intelligence test. If your score was between:
You are fully aware of what's happening inside you. Way to go.... my guess is that you are pretty darned happy, in general.
15-25 So-So.
There's still plenty to learn. There's a whole world inside you that you may not be fully aware of or have access to. Do some work in this area and you will find more color, life and depth to your life!
0-15 Yikes!
You're clueless, and probably in pain! Get help, fast.
To learn more:
- Read the other posts in this blog.
- 7 Steps to Healing Feelings: - New Directions Weekend EQ Intensive
How did you do? What do you need help with?
- Matt
Thank you for providing this quiz. It definitely can help awaken some interesting thoughts and aha moments of clarity. Best of all it allows someone to think what the next step to their emotional healing is and how to act on it. That's a big bonus from the quiz.
Posted by: Catherine Franz | August 27, 2009 at 08:41 AM
No problem, Catherine, thanks for taking the emotional intelligence test.
This stuff isn't very complicated... but it can do wonders in improving our lives!
rock on.
- Matt
Posted by: Matt Perelstein | August 27, 2009 at 02:26 PM