Guilt can be Good or Bad.
There are Two (2) Kinds of Guilt:
1. Punishing Guilt -- when you're Trashing yourself and beating yourself up for something you did, or didn't do.
2. Productive Guilt -- when you are Learning your lesson, taking the consequences of your actions boldly and maturely, and vowing inside yourself to Learn from your experience and become a better man/person because of it.
Knowing the difference between these two has Totally changed my life. Seriously. I was a guilt monger, full of punishing guilt. I've done plenty of stuff wrong, and I bashed myself for years over it all.
This is NO LONGER Acceptable so I had to find a better way.
It's true that some of the stuff I did was not acceptable. ever. ever again. none, zero, nada. So I figured I'd better Learn my lessons and figure out how to make damned sure that these never happened again.
I had to change my Punishing Guilt: trashing, discouraging, shame-based, lower-my-eyes, slump-my-shoulders, feel bad about myself, and less than, and unworthy kinda feeling
... into ...
Productive Guilt.
Ok. So I screwed up. Now what? feel sorry for myself? feel bad about myself? I don't think so. I've got too much to do, to much accomplish, to share, to feel. I want to Live my life. I don't want be a Potential, or a drag, or an ass to be around. I want to live my life to the FULLest that I can. I will learn from my mistakes. I will become a better person because of them. I will help others do the same with their mistakes.
So I had to Learn. To make my guilt Productive and educational. Not to feel bad, but to understand, and awaken, and accept.
hey, we've all made mistakes in our past, stuff we're not proud of... I'm not alone here and neither are you... but it's just a matter of what we Do with those mistakes now, emotionally, in the present and future, that counts. Can you let it go? Can you be sure you will NEVER do some of the stuff you did, again? If so, you can LET GO of the Guilt and move on.
It's ok. You're forgiven.
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