Here’s a new one…
Guilt is about the Past.
Shame is about the Present.
Fear is about the Future.
* We might feel Guilty about something we DID, or DIDn't do, in the past.
* We might feel Shame about who we are, in the moment.
* And we experience Fear of things that MIGHT happen, in the future.
interesting, ey? Helps with perspective.
I've been present-based (Shameful), while others are more past-based (Guilty) or future-based (Afraid).
I've been very present-oriented, so being Shame-based has effected me the most. I'm an Aries and impulsive and into instant gratification, so the fact that I feel a level of Shame every moment of every day (less now) is life-trashing for me. I don't have tons of Guilt from my past (well, some actually, but the Shame's much bigger) and I don't have too many Fears about the future (usually). I'm learning to show up as who I am, everyday, in every way, and trying to feel Proud of myself along the way.
Where is your focus?
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