Last week, I asked our ND grads:
“If you had a chance to teach the world only 3 of the most vital concepts about emotional intelligence, the 3 most important things you’ve learned/realized, what would they be?”
1. "The past is not dead, it's not even the past." - William Faulkner
2. "Your are not responsible for what your parents did to you, they are. Your parents are not responsible for your life now, you are." Dan Neubarth, Ph.D.
3. “What you needed to do to survive may be very different from what you need to do to live.”
Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D. from Kitchen Table Wisdom
4. “To let go of a painful past, you may temporarily need to get closer to it. To take greater control of your own life, you may need to revisit the day during which you had the least control.”
Edward Everett Hale—1822-1909
1. Taking things personally and remaining in victimhood is optional and only prolongs the healing process.
2. Listening to the sound of our wounds is the only way of preventing the same heartache in the future.
3. Emotional support is the most powerful and functional gift to give and receive in life, and actively practicing improves our ability to do this.
There are many more, and these are rough drafts of just some thoughts that crossed my mind when I read your email, of ways that ND has improved my personal and professional daily functioning. I will write more if they pop into my head.
Michael Themins LCSW, Fresno, CA
1. Self Identity is the total summation of my past experiences, Too feel bad about past experiences only denies my Individualism.
2. Cognitive Identification of feelings is a cerebral experience and not an emotional experience.
3. Analyzing emotional experiences; only disconnects the gut level emotional experience.
1. How your present life is still being influenced by your past.
2. Emotional pain is not terminal, but hanging on unexpressed emotional pain is a detriment to emotional health.
3. If you know what you feel, you know who you are and want you want.
1. Feelings are not right or wrong they just are.
2. You learn healthy and safe ways to feel your emotions.
3. You are not alone, you will get to meet people who will not judge you, make life time friendships, meet people who have been in your shoes, meet people who will love you unconditionally, and so much more.
1. It is safe to feel your feelings
2. We do not need to be held hostage by our past
3. Love is a miraculous thing that comes when all the anger is released
1. If you can identify what you're feeling then you can motivate yourself to make the changes necessary to make your life the way you want it to be.
2. If you understand your behavior patterns, and what caused them, then you are free to make different choices in the future.
3. You must do the thing you think you cannot do - to quote Eleanor Roosevelt. Once you've done that - the world belongs to you!
1. If i know what i feel i can heal, from past to present negative events
2. If i know, trust, & express my feelings in acceptable ways i can create a more intimate relationship with myself an others.
3. If i know my self i can know others , creating empathy, acceptance & a sense of belonging.
Julie B.
1. There comes a time when we all need to take inventory. We have thoughts, feelings, hurts, fears, etc. that we hang onto out of habit, but they are not helpful; they are actually in the way. We have to take a look at them and decide what stays and what goes. When we/I do that, we/I free up space, and suddenly there is room for us/me again--joy, hope, and love included.
1. Feelings are feelings we can live through them.
2. Embrace your feelings and sit in them you will not die.
3. Know where you feeling are located on your body.(angry is in my stomach)
1. Understanding where, when, and how you formed your beliefs and behaviors, gives you the power to change what is not working for you.
2. You can learn to how to take responsibility for how you choose to live your life, once you understand yourself.
3. You can learn to really feel and identify your real emotions, then let them go.
The three most important concepts of emotional intelligence that I have learned or has helped me the most are
1. Self-Acceptance (this is the one concept that has given me the most peace of mind)
2. Figure out what your judgments are and take them away
3. Taking responsibility for yourself and your actions and reactions without judging (It's Doc's concept of "isn't that interesting?")
1. Being emotionally intelligent and emotionally aware is the best thing you can do for your children and family.
2. You will continue to screw up your life and your relationships until you understand the reason's you feel and respond the way you do.
3. Becoming emotionally intelligent and aware with your spouse/partner is the only way to have an incredibly honest and dynamic relationship with your spouse/partner that will intensify the closeness and depth of your relationship.
Can I cheat?
1. Face your emotions/behaviors and you will find your reality; face your reality and you will find your emotional and psychological freedom.
2. There is nothing more satisfying than having emotional and psychological freedom and control over how you respond to others and situations.
3. Understanding why you do what you do, gives you a wonderful perspective on who you are.
1. What someone else thinks about you, says nothing about you and everything about them..
2. Blaming others for your choices is imature, taking responsiblity is liberating.
3. Emotional pain is not terminal.
Sorry Matt, I can't sum it up in just 3 points. Take what you want. I like the last 3 the best.
1. You can learn to let go of the past and live in the present.
2. What happened to you is not as important as how it made you feel about yourself.
3. You have the tools to be happy, you just have to remember how to use them.
1. Being a victim is a choice.
2. Blaming is ok for a little while; then it's time to take responsibility for your life.
3. Awareness is the key to beginning to change yourself, and you can only change yourself.
Jannie B.
1. Don't take things personally. The "to me" rule. What I say about you means nothing about says everything about me.
2. "So you think, so shall you be." You create your reality. And if YOU create it YOU can '"un-create" it.
3. Stop trying to find someone to love; and love the one you found. And just one more please......
4. Where is the peace in ..more is better? thank you very much
1. I cannot hear what you are thinking. Good communications is the key to life and all its ups and downs.
2. The answer is always NO until you ask, and then it still may me no. Take the pressure off and ask.
3. The decisions we make in our lives are based from feelings. Feelings are not good or bad they just are. Anger is just as important as happiness. They both are feelings that we feel. Once we FEEL we can make the best choices.
Linda V.
1. What you feel is not good or bad, it just is
2. Life is too short to dwell on the past
3. You learn we are unconsciously incompetent
consciously incompetent
consciously competent
unconsciously competent -- or something like that
1. You can learn to feel happier.
2. You can learn techniques to release your past pain and present hurt.
3. You can experience a workshop where people care and are willing to understand you.
1. Judgments are debatable, feelings are not.
2. Feelings are not right or wrong, they just are.
3. If you are fighting over feelings, then you are not talking about feeling.
1. Walking your talk is just as important as your talk.
2. Personal growth is not a fad and it’s valuable in your home relationships/work.
1. Feelings are a good thing, not a bad thing.
2. In fact, being in touch with our feelings and emotions is THE THING that puts us in control of our lives like nothing else can!
3. It's Ok to cry, and be angry, and express our fears, if done wisely.
Lynda A.
By the way, my description of what ND does is: "ND helps in Healing the past so we can be more present, loving, and accepting to all God's Kids, whether we like them or not, including ourselves." Hugs.
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